Подписка на новости
PR, международные отношения
Постоянное место работы:
Museum Enabler at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (UK); journalist (UK - Moscow, Russia).
Film college, Vienna
Направление: написание сценариев, видеомонтаж.
Год окончания: 2010
Английский – свободный (Кембриджский сертификат).
Немецкий - разговорный (Goethe institut München).
Испанский – разговорный (Instituto Cervantes de Moscu).
Position: Museum Enabler at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (UK); journalist (UK - Moscow, Russia).
Moscow State University/ Bachelor of Fine Arts;
Vienna Film College/ Screenwriting and Video Editing Course.
Additional Skills/ Courses Attended:
Welcome All / Customer service training 11/11/2016 (UK);
Adobe Premiere Pro / Video editing / All aspects of Adobe Premiere Pro / Video editing which enables me to make professional videos to a high standard.
Organizing the press-conferences and events, including the Grand opening of Dominion Tower Business Centre, Moscow (designed by Zaha Hadid) and the «Day of Moscow» celebrations at the Museum of Moscow.
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